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How to Set Up the Linux Terminal for Direct SSH Access
How to Set Up the Linux Terminal for Direct SSH Access
Updated over 3 months ago

In this article, we will learn how to add the terminal as default software for direct access to computers with an SSH connection within VaultOne.


Before you begin, you need:

  • A Linux system

  • Access to the terminal

  • A computer/server configured for SSH connection in VaultOne


First step: Add the script handler

In the user's home directory, create a directory named vaultone-handler:

mkdir ~/vaultone-handler

Navigate into the folder and create a file named vaultone-ssh-


Change the file permissions to make it executable:

chmod u+x

Open the file with your preferred editor add the following linas then save:


open_terminal() {
local term_cmd=""

# Detecta o terminal disponível e define o comando correspondente
if command -v gnome-terminal &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="gnome-terminal -- $1"
elif command -v konsole &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="konsole -e $1"
elif command -v xfce4-terminal &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="xfce4-terminal -- $1"
elif command -v xterm &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="xterm -e $1"
elif command -v urxvt &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="urxvt -e $1"
elif command -v lxterminal &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="lxterminal -e $1"
elif command -v mate-terminal &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="mate-terminal -- $1"
elif command -v terminology &> /dev/null; then
term_cmd="terminology -e $1"
echo "No compatible terminals found. Please install a terminal"
exit 1

eval "$term_cmd" &

main() {
if [[ "$1" != "ssh://"* ]]; then
echo "Is not valid SSH URL"
exit 1

local url=${1#ssh://}

local user_pass=${url%%@*}

local host_port=${url%%*@}
local host=${host_port%%:*}
local port=${host_port##*:}
[ "$port" == "$host_port" ] && port=''

local cmd="$host"
[ -n "$user" ] && cmd="$user@$cmd"
[ -n "$port" ] && cmd="$cmd -p $port"
cmd="ssh $cmd -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHosts

open_terminal "$cmd"


main "$1"

Second step: Add SSH Protocol Handler configuration

Navigate to ~/.local/share/applications/ and create a file named SSH-Handler.desktop:

cd ~/.local/share/applications/
touch SSH-Handler.desktop

Change the file permissions to make it executable:

chmod u+x SSH-Handler.desktop

Open the file with your preferred editor and add the following linas. Before saving, replace your-user with your username:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=SSH Handler
Exec=/home/your-user/vaultone-handler/ %u

Third step: Register the Protocol Handler with the system

Allowing the system to recognize ssh:// links, register the script as a Protocol Handler for SSH:

xdg-mime default SSH-Handler.desktop x-scheme-handler/ssh

Fourth step: Connect to a computer via SSH using Direct Access

With everything set up, proceed to VaultOne and connect to a computer via SSH:

Select your computer and click Connect:

Then click on Direct Access:

Finally, click Open:

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 18.27.48.png

A terminal should open connecting your computer to the Bastion of your connector, already configured to connect to the selected computer. Follow the bastion authentication steps to complete the connection to the computer.

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 18.28.38.png

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