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How and why to create roles in your vault
Updated over 3 months ago

Understand what the roles are for and how they will help with the permissions you'll give your team, as well as the overall organization of the company's security.

Roles are extremely important to facilitate the use and organization of control of your vault's permissions, without necessarily having to change user permissions individually.

First step: Access the Functions menu

You can configure Roles in the Administration menu, as shown in the image below:

It is in this menu that you can define roles and permissions that each profile will have.

As soon as your vault is created, by default 3 functions will already be added to the platform:

  • Admin

  • Guest

  • User

For this reason they are labeled Static. They cannot be deleted, however, their permissions can be changed.

The Default label means that every new user added to the platform will be included in this role by default if you do not define his role when adding him to the platform.

Note: All these user permission definitions will be made in the users menu.

Second step: Access the create a new role screen

In addition to these 3 static functions, you can create others by clicking on +Create nem role:

Third step: Fill in the necessary information

Role creation criteria depends on how your company is organized in terms of security permission. The options can be diverse, the most important thing to understand is that users inserted to certain roles will have permissions that that role contemplates. For example:

I created a role called team leaders. After that, click on the Permissions tab:

Each folder here represents a menu and its respective functionalities. Selecting them I will give permission for that function that is being created. At the end, click on Save:

Taking into account that my company is made up of several teams and each one has a leader, all people added to the platform with the role of leader will have the permissions selected in the image above.

If there is a need to provide more or less permission to people with a leader role, just access this menu and mark the accesses as shown above.

Found what you need? If you still have any questions, you can contact us! [email protected]

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