This article is used to troubleshoot the main errors with password rotation for Linux/Unix.
Error: “Response Code: 401 – Could not authenticate in VaultOne API”
Solution: This problem can occur when the credential in your vault don’t have the password rotation enabled, or the asset that make the password rotate was changed or updated, or the authentication key was changed in the vault, while not being changed in the script.
To change the authentication key, a new key needs to be generated, and in the computer where the script in running, delete the file “.passwordRotation” present in the directory “$HOME\VaultOne\PasswordRotation\<user credential>”. After that, restart the script to insert the new key.
Error: “Response Code: 000”
Solution: For the error above, it's needed to verify the intern network of the computer and check if it is connecting to the VaultOne API.
Error: “<user> not found. Please, ensure the user exists and try again.”
Solution: The user was not found in the local machine. Verify if the user exists in your Linux/Unix installation.
Error: “Response Code: 429”
Solution: Due to the sheer number of requests to password rotate, it’s needed to wait at least one hour to try again.
In case of any questions. Contact us [email protected]