If you are trying to access a computer/server and you see the screen above, it means that your connector was not installed correctly and you will need to install it again to correct this error.
Follow the ‘step by step’ below.
First step: Reinstall the Connector
Within VaultOne, go to Administration, then Connectors, locate the connector you are going to reinstall, select Actions, then Install. As per the image below.
Second step: Copy the installation command or download the installation script
Copy the installation command or download the installation script as per the example image below.
Third step: Access the machine
Access the machine where you are going to install the connector. With the root user, enter the installation command line or use the installation script.
It will be necessary to confirm your authentication with the user or e-mail that is used to access VaultOne, as shown in the image below.
Fourth step: Confirm that containers are working
After installation, type the command below and confirm that the four containers are in the Up status, as shown in the image below.
docker ps -a
Alright, now your connector has been installed correctly.
Try to access the computer/server again.
If the error persists, please contact [email protected]