In the communication between application and database, the applications needs to have the database credentials. In the majority of the times is the developer that insert the credentials in the application using a connection string.
This is insecure. whoever have access to the source code will also have access to the database credentials.
With VaultOne, you can safely store connection strings preventing unauthorized individuals from getting access to the credentials. This process helps the company to start adopting the concept of DevSecOps.
Follow the steps belew:
Step 1:
Click on the “Databases” option in the side menu then click on “+ Add Database” in the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 2:
Fill in the required information. Then click on “Test Connection.” If you done everything right, you should see a message in the central part of the screen saying: “Connection string is working.”
Step 3:
Return to the database menu, click on the Actions -> View in the resource you just created, then copy the Resource ID.
Step 4:
Go to the “Credentials” option on the side menu, search for the same name you used to create the connection string, then click on Actions -> View then copy the Credential ID.
Step 5:
Open a new browser tab and access the API documentation of your VaultOne.
You can find a guide and information about the API documentation at:
Accessing the VaultOne API Documentation – Knowledge Base VaultOne
Search for the method GetCredentialSecret and click on the item.
Step 6:
Click on “TRY IT OUT” on the right side of the screen and paste the credential ID and resource ID. Then click on “Execute.”
The CredentialVersion field can be left blank.
In the “Response Body” section, thev secure connection string will be generated.
This is an API integration, so it will be necessary to create an API user within VaultOne.
Go to the Administration -> Users click on “Create new user” in the upper right corner of the screen, then fill in the necessary information. Before saving, select “API User”.
Example below:
Your API user is created and can be used to generated connection strings.
Need more help? You can send us an email! [email protected]